Church Services That Have Been Videoed Page 5
Church services to be found here are not live but is another way of
watching a service at your preferred time.
watching a service at your preferred time.
2nd August Sunday Morning Worship-Rev.Dr.Graham McWilliams
Matthew 13: 31-35 |
29th July Prayer and Praise Service:-
Rev.Dr. Graham McWilliams. |
26th July Sunday morning Worship-Rev.Dr. Graham McWilliams
"Luke 11: 1-13". |
22nd July Prayer and Praise Service:-
Rev.Dr. Graham McWilliams. |
19th July Worship led by The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland-The Right Rev. Martin Fair.
15th July Prayer and Praise Service:-
Rev.Dr. Graham McWilliams. |
12th July Worship led by The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland-The Right Rev. Martin Fair.
8th July Prayer and Praise Service:-
Rev.Dr. Graham McWilliams. |
5th July Sunday morning Worship-Rev.Dr. Graham McWilliams
"2 Cor 8: 7-15". |
1st July Prayer and Praise Service:-
Rev.Dr. Graham McWilliams. |